Mercurial Bundles

This server contains Mercurial bundle files that can be used to seed repository clones. If your Mercurial client is configured properly, it should fetch one of these bundles automatically.

The table below lists all available repositories and their bundles. Only the most recent bundle is shown. Previous bundles are expired 7 days after they are superseded.

A JSON document exposes a machine-readable representation of this data.

Mercurial 4.7 or newer is required for stream clone bundles due to the sparserevlog requirement.

For more, see the official docs.

Repository zstd zstd (max) gzip (v2) stream
build/mozharness 2,216,316 - 2,466,418 5,256,539
build/tools 23,107,003 - 24,711,270 34,670,299
comm-central - 193,500,342 275,533,765 338,228,174
conduit-testing/m-c 2,597,738,597 - 3,135,711,971 4,478,235,922
hgcustom/version-control-tools 9,907,747 - 11,111,421 16,021,477
integration/mozilla-inbound 1,759,858,706 - 2,080,998,276 2,953,283,851
mozilla-central - 2,416,026,053 3,936,671,191 5,369,784,057
mozilla-unified - 2,548,631,488 4,091,200,068 5,789,203,540
projects/ash 121,097,033 - 141,963,784 193,232,524
projects/birch 2,653,512,926 - 3,282,790,788 4,513,090,483
projects/cedar 3,189,766,080 - 3,942,787,941 5,376,294,732
projects/cypress 3,230,173,974 - 4,002,661,755 5,438,159,843
projects/elm 3,180,503,489 - 3,929,691,688 5,361,232,219
projects/holly 2,736,981,385 - 3,315,393,326 4,715,903,199
projects/jamun 2,538,683,383 - 3,049,906,533 4,360,891,406
projects/kaios 2,806,489,751 - 3,405,611,981 4,695,807,254
projects/larch 3,177,383,383 - 3,903,956,170 5,320,491,691
projects/maple 3,193,678,001 - 3,947,456,939 5,376,722,861
projects/oak 3,123,598,214 - 3,833,083,698 5,230,204,013
projects/pine 3,146,435,118 - 3,870,026,359 5,282,432,972
projects/pine-stable 2,507,833,325 - 3,025,338,054 4,310,957,337
releases/mozilla-beta 3,234,328,655 - 3,941,393,674 5,604,352,988
releases/mozilla-esr102 2,473,767,626 - 3,037,901,605 4,343,545,625
releases/mozilla-esr115 2,748,393,455 - 3,393,554,798 4,699,524,862
releases/mozilla-esr128 3,233,871,207 - 3,955,687,904 5,614,439,319
releases/mozilla-esr68 1,787,639,070 - 2,162,699,983 3,146,809,807
releases/mozilla-esr78 2,018,874,013 - 2,468,196,188 3,584,968,419
releases/mozilla-esr91 2,244,665,586 - 2,761,739,960 3,991,408,262
releases/mozilla-release 3,234,892,869 - 3,962,778,733 5,586,267,420

This page generated at 2024-07-27T11:39:07.354807.